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You have the vin peugeot 206 to restrict the processing of your personal information, to have it transferred to a third party in a commonly structured format. You also have the right to object to the processing of your personal information. If you object to your personal information being processed for marketing purposes we will comply with that request.

Where you object to other processing, we will consider your request carefully. We do not want to handle your personal information for purposes you do not want us too however, you should be aware that the above-mentioned rights are not absolute and in some circumstances may not apply. You can exercise these rights on simple request to our Data Protection Co-ordinator by email to dataprotectionuk mpsa.

You can update your personal information at any time by contacting us as above. We will also take steps to update your personal information e. All future changes vin peugeot 206 our Privacy Policy will be posted on this website. You should therefore periodically review these for changes to our Privacy Policy. You can contact us at any time if you have queries regarding this privacy policy on dataprotectionuk mpsa.

Types of data being processed. The personal information we process. Interaction with social networks. Your Rights. Changes to the Privacy Policy. Contacting us. This includes: Information you provide to us when you interact with us whether as a customer, prospective customer, Peugeot driver or are taking part in a Peugeot Retailer programme Information you provide to us when requesting and using our services and our websites or applications, such as name, address, e-mail address Information that we need when you report a problem with our websites or applications Information collected vin peugeot 206 cookies Information about your vehicle and your contract information that we need for the performance of the website e.

Information we collect when we record calls to and from our call centres. For further details, see section 2.

The conditions we rely on vin peugeot 206 as follows: Performance of a contract Depending on the vin peugeot 206 of your request some information may be mandatory. Consent Peugeot use your personal information when you consent for us to do so e. Required by law Peugeot will, if required by law, disclose your personal information in response to a court order.

Information collected via cookies. Please see our Cookies Policy for detailed information Information provided as part of programme participation for example The Pride Programme — employee name, third party name and your relationship vin peugeot 206 employee. To validate vin peugeot 206 for the programme and manage and administer our partner programmes.

For audit and reporting purposes and to help us manage our business effectively. Call recordings For training and monitoring purposes.

Your name, contact details To securely process credit card payments. Credit card payment processors. Used for reporting and to help us to better understand our customers and prospective customers Salesforce Salesforce. Contact Centre Partners. Where necessary to comply with a legal obligation that we are subject to The information we share Why we share it Who we share it with Your identification, contact details and vehicle details For vehicle registration purposes The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency Your identification, contact details and vehicle details To comply with law Any law enforcement agency, court, regulator, government authority or other third party.

Keeping your information up to date To keep vin peugeot 206 information up to date and deliver the best service to you we will compare details we hold with information vin peugeot 206 by the Royal Mail Vin peugeot 206 Change of Address register, the DVLA and other national screening services such as deceased registers and Telephone and Mailing Preference Vin peugeot 206.

Your information will be processed and shared for the purposes listed below and with the following recipients: The type of information we use Why we use it Who we share it with First name, surname and contact information such as email address, phone number and postal address and any other related information provided to you. Return to top of page Return to top of page. Used by the Contact Centre team to support their activity.